Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Paul Sutherland welcomed everyone to teh AGM. A show of hands confirmed most were paid up members.

(Convenor, University of Auckland), Bob Pearson (Treasurer, University of Auckland) Peter Kennedy (University of Canterbury), Helen Brownlie (University of Otago
ITSIG Convenor’s Report 2009
Members of the ITSIG Committee for the past year were, John Laurie (Convenor, University of Auckland), Bob Pearson (Treasurer, University of Auckland) Peter Kennedy (University of Canterbury), Paul Sutherland (Christchurch City Libraries ) and Helen Brownlie (University of Otago)
The 2008 LIANZA Conference workshop was well attended, with presentations from Amanda Cole of AUT on Implementing Libguides software from Springshare, Sam Minchin of Auckland Public on the redevelopment of the Auckland Public Library website, John Laurie of the University of Auckland, on text digitization, and Brian Flaherty of the University of Auckland, on current trends.
ITSIG has accumulated nearly $4000 in its bank account and needs to decide on the best way to use this money. Membership has slightly increased since 2008.
The issue of holding workshops around the country for ITSIG members was discussed again at the 2008 AGM and once again they have failed to materialize. Members training needs are diverse and it is difficult to come up with a programme that is sufficiently broad to attract the necessary numbers and focused enough to engage the interest of individuals. There is perhaps also a tradition among IT staff of individually updating their knowledge from Web resources.
As in previous years ITSIG has arranged a workshop at the 2009 LIANZA Conference. This will be held from 11.45 to 12.30 on Tuesday 13th October as a concurrent session, with brief presentations from Paul Sutherland, Peter Kennedy and Paul Hayton followed by general discussion.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Conference at 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday 13th October.
As I am not attending the workshop or the AGM I would like to thank Paul Sutherland for taking on these roles.
Thanks also to Alastair Smith for checking the list of ITSIG members against the 354 people subscribed to ITSIG email list, and sending out an automatic invitation to join the list to 54 ITSIG members who weren’t subscribed.
John Laurie (Convenor 2009)

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