Monday, November 2, 2009

Un-conference day

Tuesday was filled with participation. “Getting people on-side: making allies to support your innovation” presented by Deborah Fitchett, was a workshop to brainstorm ways of realizing ideas, achieving goals, and generally gaining support in our workplaces. Some of the ideas that came through in the session include: taking advantage of those precious moments that we are face to face with our managers, engaging with colleagues to gain kindred spirits, and resolving miscommunications in person. There were a lot of ideas flying so Deborah is developing a website with the collection of suggestions that came about in this un-conference session (#1). I will post this as soon as I get the link for all to enjoy.
Joanne Smith’s presentation “Revitalising libraries for the self-serve generation” was reaffirming. Joanne’s research presented ways in which libraries are preparing themselves for a new set of needs and customers. I sat happily in the session realizing that Christchurch City Libraries already does almost all of the things she suggested implementing for the next generation. Impressive!

how do we make staff meetings more creative?
I might be bias, but “What would you do? Developing and sharing creative solutions”, a pecha kucha-style, unconference-like session (#2!) was the highlight of the day. Paul Sutherland and Elizabeth Whyte were our fearless coordinators. Several LIANZA delegates took the stage with some things they wanted to discuss, providing an opportunity for anyone to present. The questions were revealed in just a few short minutes and everyone sat together to develop solution. Some of the content of the session:
Q: Suggestion boxes, A: Answer feedback and make it public
Q: What would you do about disruptive youth in the library (Kate Ogden’s questions), A: Well, at least we have their attention!
Q: Having more dynamic creative staff meetings, A: Have 10 minute standing meeting, have 1 meeting with an agenda and 1 without, take on the un philosophy.
Q: What’s more important? the food, the service or the menu,

A: Customer service is the most important, the customer doesn’t always know what they want.

Paul and Elizabeth un-presenting
Thanks Paul and Elizabeth for an awesome, and yes “refreshing” (as was quoted by someone at the end) session.
It really was a fascinating un day. I suspect to see more of these kinds of sessions based on how incredibly popular and useful they were.

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